From scot on 12/09/2007

Elton responded to a posting of mine in 2001 seeking work as a film score composer. It was the second project I worked on, certainly one of the most fun. I am now married and have a 2 yr old boy named Octavio ("Tavi" for short) - whose grandmother just moved from Bogota. I saw the picture of you two and I just felt - for one fleeting moment, but very strongly - what it would be like to lose him. It was unbearable. We never met in person - one of the strange wonders of this digital age - so I can say that I knew him purely through his ideas and his work, both of which live on untouched, thanks to that very same digital age. I was impressed with his brilliant and promising work on Nerd Wars, his professionalism, and his obviously adventurous spirit. I had hoped we'd work together again in the future, sending an email to him every year or so, just in case. I hope there is more material on the website in the days to come. I need to understand Elton better as a human being - he was a great, passionate man who lived with heart. All of my family's thoughts are with him and those closest to him. Respectfully, Scot Stafford Tribute by Scot Stafford