Created by colin 16 years ago
ujay comments on Paypal now offers accounts for Colombia Not quite People aren't using the internet to fullest advantage. Sure they use for banking too and dating but they don't really know how to and where to get the good stuff. And if they don't speak English they miss out on a lot of it. A free couch or TV isn't much, but try finding one easily in Colombia. I'm sure lots of people got a good decent TV they would give away. I gave away my computer system to someone that needed it just last month. Try to see how easy it is to get something free in another country and how many sites you will find with free stuff. Now try to get the same in Colombia. There's even a completely FREE no credit card required or any money needed DATING SITE called plentyoffish.com in the States. You'll only find a handful of Colombianas on there at most. Yet other countries are in the hundreds of thousands. SO again you tell me do you really think Colombians are using the internet to their fullest advantage? Do they know of a site called couchsurfer.com where they can travel the globe and find a free place to stay the night. Again very few Colombians really know about these sites and other useful sites. And many will be clueless about PAYPAL. It's always the English Speakers who will know about these places and use them to their advantage. And when that happens they'll be able to say goodbye to the nine to five jobs and be independent. It's all there on the net. Colombia is not taking advantage of this. Only a handful have "got it" And there lies my statement backed up. Why are people still lining up at the bank to pay their bills. They don't have internet access, computers. If they do the online systems are cumbersome. You need bank accounts to pay. You got to go specific banks to deposit or have an account with a specific bank to make it easier for you. There isn't the simplicity of PAYPAL to send and get money. I go on mercado libre right now and I need a credit card or I got to line up at the bank to put money into the seller's account. Most sellers do not take credit cards. Internet auctions are for people who are not business men also. And there lies the success of online auctions. Any person can do it. We are not in the old age any more. We are in an information internet age that does away with borders, government rules and meddling. Finally we have a leverage against the system. For a regular person with some stuff to sell they will not have a credit card system or effective easy to use payment setup. Paypal is the solution. Telefonica is the new satellite service in Colombia. This is not free to air. This is a paid subscriber package. Until this year DirecTV was the only satellite provider. Until now they were a monopoly. Telefonica from Spain just bought Colombia's Telecom and they own moviestar cell phone service also. A Free to air receiver and dish would effectively hack and decode Telefonica's signal on a regular Pizza size satellite dish so you can watch them for free. DireTV requires a big ugly dish to effectively get their broadcast for free also. That is what a FTA receiver does. And what millions of people do in the States and in Canada. We can get all sorts of stuff on the net but the speeds are not very good. I got my modem uncapped and still only getting 1.8 MB at most. Whereas people paying half the price in other countries and getting 5MB to 10MB lines. They only give 1.8 MB lines to a registered business here. Hence the need to uncap. Tcniso.com is blocked for access by your Colombian ISP will sell you a modem for $100 to uncap Tv Cable and get the business plan that providers won't give you.

