Created by colin 16 years ago
Dad I asked Mom if she would like you to visit. But just as I thought she prefers to have no visitors. I do appreciate the support and concern but there´s really nothing you could do other than feel frustrated and powerless like I often feel. She doesn´t even have the energy to hug me back. The vomiting has become harder to control plus I had to carry her from the bathroom as she collapsed in my arms. I´ve been busy these last two days as she needs constant vigilance and care. Cleaning. Feeding. For urinating which is 20 times a day in small amounts she needs help removing her diaper and sitting on the bedpan. See the tumor is squeezing against the kidneys which causes a constant desire to urinate, and the diaper is there because the tumor is forcing little amounts out all the time. And this continues throughout the night which is why the nurse spends the night awake to take care of her. You can understand why she wouldn´t like you or anyone else now to see her like this. It would only make her more sad. But thanks. I´ll check my messages again tomorrow. Off to spend some more time with Mom. She sleeps mostly. The times she´s awake I help her go to the toilet. But for number 2 it´s impossible without me administering an enema for her. Without it she can be constipated for a week. She always did suffer from constipation even before. I attribute this to a lack of hydration. Getting her to drink a simple glass of water was hard before and impossible now. Have to flavor it with fruit for her to drink it, but still doesn´t drink enough. Can´t force her to drink water. So it gets input through the drip bag at night directly into the muscles not the vein.elton

